我是程粤,来自香港。自从2004年从香港沙维雅中心的专业课程毕业以后,就一直在中心的专业课里做贝曼老师和沈明莹老师的助教。之后成为香港沙维雅中心董事局的主席,并于2010年在香港举办沙维雅世界会议(Satir World Conference).
I am ClarenceCHING, from Hong Kong. Since mygraduation from the Professional Counselling Certificate Course (PCCC) of HKSatir Center in 2004, I worked as the facilitator for Dr John Banmen and DrMarie Lam in the PCCC of HK Satir Centre. Then I became the President of HK Satir Center and organised the SatirWorld Conference in HK in 2010.
In my pastexperience as the teacher and facilitator, I found that training Satirtherapists was very similar to performing classical music. They both had stringent requirements andneeded the cooperation among different parts. The HK Satir Center put in stringent requirement and multi-disciplinestraining in every details of the PCCC, making batches after batches of confident,competent and congruent Saitr therapists. I will share with you how to improve the training for Satir therapistsin my presentation. See you in Xian inMay.
来自香港,毕业于香港沙维雅人文发展中心的专业辅导证书课程,拥有超过15年的辅导员/咨询师、专业助教经验,多年跟随贝曼老师(John Banmen)、葛茉莉老师(Maria Gomori)和沈明莹老师(Marie Lam)等学习,并在专业课程中担任督导和助教等工作,在萨提亚模式的个人成长和个案咨询上有丰富经验和专业造诣。专业技术包括:运用萨提亚模式为案主带出改变、运用雕塑去呈现案主内在的过程,用家庭重塑去处理未满足期待、以及重新跟自我资源连结。
从2004年开始,程粤进入香港沙维雅人文发展中心的董事局,历任不同岗位。到2008年成为香港沙维雅中心的主席,并在2010年在香港举办沙维雅世界会议(Satir World Conference),成功把沙维雅世界会议带到大中华地区。
CHING Yuet(Clarence)
From Hong Kongand was graduated from the Professional Counselling Certificate Course (PCCC)organized by Hong Kong Satir Center. Hehas over 15 years of experience in counselling and teaching of SatirModel. He has been the facilitator andsupervisor of the professional counselling programme led by Dr John Banmen, DrMaria Gomori and Dr Marie Lam and is experienced in counselling and personalgrowth using Satir Model. His expertiseincludes bringing changes using Satir Model, using sculpting to surface theinternal process, working on unmet expectations and reconnection to internalresources by family reconstruction.
Since 2004, MrClarence CHING became the board of directors in Hong Kong Satir Center, workingon different posts. He was elected as thePresident of the Hong Kong Satir Center in 2008 and organized the Satir World ConferenceinHong Kong in 2010. The Conference wasthe first similar event organized in Greater China.
《多维度的萨提亚治疗师训练– 香港沙维雅中心的经验分享》
Multi-disciplinestraining for Satir Therapists – Experience Sharing from HK Satir Center
The training ofSatir Therapist in Hong Kong Satir Center is very stringent. Over the years, HK Satir Center has trainedup batches over batches professional therapists using Satir Model. The graduated therapists have deep understandingof the Satir Model and they can make use of their learning for personal growthand transformational change of their clients. The training in HK Satir Center includes personal growth, counsellingtechniques, placement, supervision and the spirit of helping people. It is a multi-discipline training. From this presentation, owners of SaitrCenters can learn how to include different elements intotheir professional training programme. Saitr therapists can also benefit from the presentation on ways ofcontinuous learning and growing in Satir Model.
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